Articles made to support you on your journey
What is Meditating from the Heart?
What is Meditating from the Heart?
Meditation has seen exponential growth with its evolution into a secular practice in modern times due to the increasing awareness of mental health, mindfulness practices, and technology, including apps like Calm, Abide, Headspace, Insight Timer, etc.
The Disciplines
Are you familiar with the disciplines?
I purchased “Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster a few years ago. It has become a staple in my library. The book challenged my perspective on familiar disciplines and introduced me to new ones. Since then, I’ve read other books about spiritual disciplines, but Celebration of Discipline started it all.
What is Spiritual Health?
How do you define spiritual health? Some may associate or equate spiritual health with religion or a particular belief system. But that may not be true for everyone. Religion may be a component of your spiritual health but you do not have to follow a specific religion to be spiritually healthy. So what is it?
Mindful Morning Practices to Establish Your Day
Have you considered that what you think in the morning has a huge impact on how your day goes? Studies suggest that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and of those thoughts, 80% are negative! I share this not to stress you out because believe it or not negative thoughts are a part of our human nature.
Prayer as a Tool for Mental Health
Prayer can help you attain a better sense of self and encourages personal character growth as well as spiritual enlightenment. Prayer provides many spiritual and mental health benefits, such that it helps one understand themselves more deeply but also promotes virtuous ideals which promote peace in oneself and with others.